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Home | News & Events | Faculty News | Prof. Dr. Serag HABIB presents a talk on the 1st Egyptian Microprocessor (CU-SPARC) on 23 August 2011

Prof. Dr. Serag HABIB presents a talk on the 1st Egyptian Microprocessor (CU-SPARC) on 23 August 2011

Sun, 04/09/2011

A presentation was made by Dr. Serag HABIB - Professor of Electronics at the EECE Department - on the occasion of the press release concerning the 1st Egyptian Microprocessor, published in the Al-Shorouk Newspaper on 20 August. Dr. Serag headed the EECE Team that started the work on the microprocessor (called CUSPARC) in 2004, and which - in 2011 - made its first tests on the developed core after it was manufactured by IBM. For a copy of the presentation in Arabic, please press the highlighted link.