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Home | Research | M.Sc. And Ph.D Thesis | Delay and Energy Characterization of A Redundant Integer Arithmetic Unit

Delay and Energy Characterization of A Redundant Integer Arithmetic Unit

Thesis Title: 
Delay and Energy Characterization of A Redundant Integer Arithmetic Unit
Mohamed Mourad Mohamed Ali
Date of Birth: 
Fri, 28/07/1978
Previous Degrees: 
B.Sc. (ELC) 2000 - Cairo
Registration Date: 
Mon, 01/10/2001
Awarding Date: 
Tue, 17/03/2009
External Supervisors: 

Dr. Salama, A. E. (the Late)
Dr. Mohamed, A. H.


Dr. Ragaee, H. F. M.
Dr. Habib, S. E.
Dr. Mohamed, A. H.

Key Words: 

Signed digit, Arithmetic unit, Energy-delay product (EDP), Areadelay
product (ADP).


In this thesis, we analyze the use of the signed digit (SD) number system and its
advantages in achieving simultaneously high speed and low EDP arithmetic
circuit. The hybrid signed digit (HSD) system is presented as an intermediate
solution between the SD system and the conventional system. A HSD adder
architecture is analyzed, a new HSD adder/subtractor and a modified version of
this circuit are proposed. Furthermore a third HSD adder/subtractor from the
literature is analyzed. A complete arithmetic unit based on the new circuit is also
proposed and analyzed including the conversion to and from the conventional
system. We recommend using a higher redundancy for applications targeting a
shorter delay, a smaller ADP, and a smaller EDP. For low area applications,
conventional architectures are the best choice